
Unique among value investors, Third Avenue Management maintains its absolute focus on discovering and implementing investment ideas where demonstrable value has been overlooked. The firm believes that investing in well-financed, well-managed companies with good long-term prospects for growth, selling at significant discounts to their intrinsic value, generates attractive long-term returns with reduced risk of capital loss. The Third Avenue team invests like business owners, conducting the time intensive analysis of a company’s value in the context of its assets, management, liabilities and other factors, with a particular emphasis on the balance sheet.

The Firm

Founded in 1986 by legendary value investor Martin Whitman, whose beliefs defined a style of investing, one philosophy shapes all of Third Avenue’s investment strategies – Value, Small-Cap Value, Real Estate Value and International Real Estate Value.

Investment Strategies
  • Value
  • Small-Cap
  • Real Estate
  • International Real Estate
Investment Vehicles
  • U.S. Mutual Funds
  • Separate Accounts





Contact Information

675 Third Avenue
Suite 2900-05
New York, NY 10023

+1 800.880.8442

+1 212.888.5222


AMG Affiliates

Our Affiliates manage client assets across a diverse range of secular growth areas and are focused on creating value for their clients.