TimesSquare Capital Management, LLC is a fundamental research-oriented growth equity investment management firm specializing in growth equity strategies for institutional investors. TimesSquare uses a well-established team approach to growth investing that has been in place since the mid-1980s. The firm seeks to build diversified portfolios of growth stocks that generate excellent risk-adjusted returns. Proprietary fundamental research drives its unique, disciplined bottom-up process of selecting companies that meet its definition of a superior growth business.
The Firm
TimesSquare’s team is led by Grant Babyak and Mark Aaron. TimesSquare primarily serves institutional clients, including public and corporate pension funds, endowments and foundations, and Taft-Hartley retirement plans.
Investment Strategies
- U.S. Small Cap Growth Equity
- U.S. Small/Mid Cap Growth Equity
- U.S. Mid Cap Growth Equity
- U.S. FOCUS Growth Equity
- U.S. All Cap Growth Equity
- International Small Cap Equity
- European Small Cap Equity
- Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity
Investment Vehicles
- Separate Accounts
- U.S. Mutual Funds
- Dublin-based UCITS Fund

Contact Information
75 Rockefeller Plaza
30th Floor
New York, NY 10019
AMG Affiliates
Our Affiliates manage client assets across a diverse range of secular growth areas and are focused on creating value for their clients.